Holistically Anne Harrison
Hi, I’m Anne.
I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist, Wellbeing Coach & Yoga Teacher.
You can find me at Kiva & Zen Studios, on the Darts Bussiness Park where I offer;
- Wellbeing Sessions, Tuesday’s 1:30-4:00, which include 1-1 yoga, wellbeing coaching sessions & nutritional therapy appointments
- Yoga classes, Wednesday 5:30-6:30
The aim of my business is to help you improve your health and wellbeing. I take a naturopathic approach to doing this.
There are a wide range of different naturopathic tools, treatments and techniques that can be used holistically to support the body and mind in healing itself, helping people feel their best.
I set up Holistically Anne Harrison to offer my experience in some of the tools that have helped me the most.
The tools I use are yoga, wellbeing coaching and nutrition. They can have a great impact when used alone or in combination with each other. They can also support treatments with other naturopathic or holistic practitioners.
If you would like to find out more about my services or book a yoga class, take a look at my website.
You can call Anne on 07759 026522