Job vacancies

We’re lucky to live in a thriving year-round community and one where the local economy is strong, even in more difficult times.

Please check this page for vacancies amongst Love Topsham’s business supporters and key services, shops and companies based in the town – and if you are a Love Topsham supporter and want to advertise a vacancy of your own, for free, please email us here.

The important small print

  • Advertisers are required to be Love Topsham business supporters. Adverts should be for vacancies for the company registered under the business supporter status;
  • Wording should be submitted as follows: Job Title and Business name, followed by a maximum of 30 words including a link, but no photographs;
  • Please email your advert here.  Adverts are published at the discretion of the Site Editor, who will contact advertisers if there are queries;
  • Adverts will be automatically removed after four weeks unless otherwise requested;
  • Wording must abide by appropriate legislation supporting equality in employment and not discriminate on age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, and marriage and civil partnerships.
  • This page acts purely as a ‘noticeboard’ to help local businesses advertise their vacancies. Love Topsham has no further information or insights into any role advertised. Please therefore direct any questions you have with regard to these posts directly to the company in question and not to Love Topsham. Thank you.

Topsham open for business

Do you have skills, contacts or opportunities to benefit those looking for work?

If so, you could make a difference to people right here in Topsham. We’re looking for expertise which could help others – expertise from your current work, or from what you did before you retired, or from your contacts who could help out too.

This section will evolve over the next few months – please keep checking back and see how you can get involved. Let’s see what we can do as a community to help our neighbours. Contact the Site Editor in the meantime with any feedback.

This is a new service from Love Topsham and it will evolve, but our hope is that it helps local businesses and those looking for work in the town to find each other and connect. This is absolutely free for Love Topsham Business Supporters to use, but if you would like to make an additional donation in support of our work, you are very welcome to!

If you would like to know more about becoming a Business Supporter, simply click here for more information.